Secure ways - ways of life
The video "Rutas seguras, routes de vida" ("secure ways - ways of life") was provided by the foundation "Oriéntame", to inform you about the three decriminalized reasons by the Constitutional Court for an abortion:
1) The woman is a victim of rape, incest or an artificial or made without the woman's consent fertilization
2) The life or health of the woman is at risk (physical, mental or soc…
High Impact Litigation in Colombia: the unconstitutionality of abortion
In April 2005, Women's Link Worldwide launched a bold and innovative challenge to the Constitutional Court of Colombia, asking the judges to liberalize the country's abortion law, which outlawed the procedure under all circumstances.
Women's Link Worldwide's video explores the process of filing the lawsuit and the debate surrounding it.
On May 10, 2006 the Constitutional Court issued a histor…