ROSITA, an hour-long documentary by award-winning filmmakers Barbara Attie and Janet Goldwater, traces a young girl's journey from innocent victim to unwitting victor. When a nine-year-old Nicaraguan girl becomes pregnant as a result of a rape, her parents — illiterate campesinos working in Costa Rica — seek a legal "therapeutic" abortion to save their only child's life. Their quest pits them against the governments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, the medical establishment, and the Catholic Church. When their story gains international media attention the repercussions ripple across Latin America and Europe.". . . only the most hardhearted of viewers will not be moved by the quandaries faced by Rosita and her impoverished but proud family."
— Video Librarian , March, 2006
- DirectorBarbara Attie and Janet Goldwater
- AuthorMaría López Vigil
- CameraPeter Brownscombe, Sylvie Rokab
- produced byBarbara Attie and Janet Goldwater
- CountriesUSA
- GenreDocumentary
- Year2005
- Length60 min
- TopicAbortion
- LanguagesSpanish
- Website
- SubtitlesEnglish, Spanish
LinksRosita: A Documentary
The Tragedy and Triumph of “Rosita” - Distributor commercialBullfrog Films at or 1-800-543-3764

- Genre Documentary
- Year 2005
- Length 60 min
- Topic Abortion
- Countries USA