Like a ship in the night
“200 women from Ireland, every single week, go to England for abortions. Yet nobody ever talks about it.”Abortion is illegal in Ireland, North and South, potentially punishable by life imprisonment. And yet thousands of Irish women a year travel to England for abortions. They make this journey in secret and return in silence, some of them never telling a soul. LIKE A SHIP IN THE NIGHT follows a young painter, a working class mother of five, and a self-proclaimed country girl as they plan their secret journeys across the Irish sea.
- Metteur en scèneMelissa Thompson
- AuteurMelissa Thompson
- Directeur de la photoAmanda Whittenberger
- MusiqueKila, Solas
- ProducteurMelissa Thompson, ipas
- PaysUSA Great Britain Ireland
- GenreDocumentary
- Année2006
- Métrage30 min
- SujetAvortement
- LanguesEnglish
LinksMore on the film - Distributeur

- Genre Documentary
- Année 2006
- Métrage 30 min
- Sujet Avortement
- Pays USA Great Britain Ireland